Gigging in Hospitality

Recently completed a contract with tvg hospitality as their full time designer working on around 100 projects during that time for their various venues – bars, music venues and restaurants.

Every Day was Wonderfully Different

Every day was wonderfully different, challenging and exciting working on a full spectrum of materials for all the venues including two new ones that opened during my time there.

Plethora of Projects

I worked on campaigns, adverts, listings, posters, billboards, A boards, leaflets, social, loyalty, discount and voucher cards, menus, activations, venue launches, sampling cart and more – all designed to visual guidelines.

Here are a some examples:

Sampling Nibbles

Every Wednesday we would bring the sampling cart out loaded with fresh samples from one of the food vendors at Goods Way. Passers by could taste the delicacies and grab discount vouchers. Other literature included leaflets on what else you’ll find at the venue and directions of where to find it as well as promotional material for Sweetwater Lates and private venue hire.