Directing New Creative at Newham

There’s a lot of ‘NEW’ Happening at Newham

This summer I was approached by the new Marketing Director at Newham College London to help out with some campaigns he had going in as his in-house Junior Designer was on annual leave.

The idea behind it all was taking the word ‘NEW’ in Newham and running with various themes centred around ‘NEW Start, NEW Choices, NEW You’. They already had some executions so we needed to build on this initial exposure with more outdoor, newspaper ads, inserts and a wrap for the Metro which would be distributed in their local area.

I created a new line playing on the campaign, news, and the fact that it was all going out on GSCE results day — of course, the 16-18-year-old audience was our target market.

Wrapping it Up for GSCE Results

Success Leads to Further Work

It was so successful that I was called upon after they returned from holiday in a Creative Director capacity directing their in-house designer with logo development, outside signage, barrier stickers, posters, pull-up banners and more.

Attracting NEW 16-18 year olds

The most recent project I got involved with was the course guide for 16-18 year olds. Bright, bold, simple yet strong messages broken up in way that would be easy to skim and pick up on the critical messaging. Spreads were like mini advertisements grabbing attention and pointing the potential applicant to the web to learn more and apply.

Highlighting Data

When going through the copy document, I noticed a bullet list of data-driven facts supporting why 16-18 year olds should go to Newham and recommended pulling these to use on features on spreads that were relevant. That way when someone was flipping through, the facts stood out. If they missed the page that would have had a bullet point list, it didn’t matter, the statistics were throughout the guide, reinforcing where it mattered.